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Why I Write a Blog About Singing… and Why Now?

Why am I writing a blog about singing, and why now? This is the twentieth post of my brand-new blog, and it seems as good a time as any to share with you a bit more about myself, and the deeper purposes behind this blogging project.

Blogging is different then writing a book— there is something more immediate, more personal, I think, that comes through as you read what I have written. Soon I will be adding my own videos, and that will give you an even more direct connection to my character, personality, and way of expressing myself.

So whom am I to be dispensing my knowledge, wisdom, opinions and advice to you? If you read my About Page on this blog,

Also, I’m old enough now to have been through all sorts of things that can make you or break you, both in singing and in life— serious illness, family crises, financial woes— LIFE, in capital letters! In the music arena, I’ve been a part of the academic world both as a student who has earned multiple college degrees, and as an instructor, who has taught hundreds (maybe even thousands) of students in voice classes, private lessons, and at my own studio.  I’ve also been a singer in the “real world” and experienced all the highs and lows that are unique to the profession. With all this vast amount of education and experience, I am in the perfect position to be sharing this blog with you!

I want to be your teacher, your mentor, your friend. I can save you so much time, aggravation, missteps and grief! In my own career, I had to stumble over so many things on my own, and if I had had someone like me to guide my path then (or writing a blog like this!), it would have made a big difference. Despite starting a bit late (by some standards) and not knowing exactly what I was doing at times, I still managed to have the career I wanted, both as a singer and teacher. But it took me longer to achieve certain goals, and I may have missed out on some opportunities, too. Let me fill in the blanks for you in your pursuit of singing, whether for fun or professionally, and give you every advantage that I didn’t have starting out.

I have a LOT to say! I am just bursting with information and advice, and I can’t wait to get it all out to you. Every day is filled with singing-related topics that pop into my head, that I want to share with you.

It’s the right time. This is the perfect time for me to do a singing blog, because my singing career has slowed down (my choice—I’m tired of the hectic lifestyle of a performer, and want to concentrate even more on teaching). When I teach in a lesson, I can only reach one person. In a classroom, I can only reach about 25-30 people, tops. With a blog, I can help hundreds, and hopefully, thousands of people all at one time!

I love to write. One of my non-music degrees is in Communications, with a Public Relations emphasis. I love to write, and this is the perfect forum to stretch my writing muscles on a regular basis, writing about something that I love! Students and colleagues always praise my style of communication as clear, warm, and engaging. I hope that will come through in this blog!

I want to improve your vocal technique. This is HUGE, and the number one reason I started writing this blog. There is so much bad information out there, and so many misconceptions about the voice and how to use it.  I want to clear up a lot of those mysteries that still plague many singers!

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